Starton Tutorials
Learn how to build web3 projects using our API
Getting Started
Deploying your first Smart contract
Learn how to deploy your first smart contract using Starton in this tutorial. Follow step-by-step instructions to set up your...

Monitoring blockchain activity
Learn to monitor blockchain activities like wallet or smart contract events using Starton's watchers, and get real-time...

Storing your first file on IPFS
Discover how to store your first file on IPFS using Starton's API, including setting up your project, initializing Axios for...

How to Sell an NFT in an Auction
Learn how to deploy ERC721 contracts and utilize IPFS for NFT auctions, including smart contract management through the Starton...

How to Sell an NFT collection in an Auction
Learn how to sell an NFT collection in an auction with this tutorial. Discover how to deploy an ERC1155 Auction Sale smart contract...

Creating a watcher with ngrok-integrated webhooks
Learn how to receive ngrok-integrated webhooks to monitor blockchain activity locally.

Generating your NFT collection with AI
This tutorial will guide you on how to set up your environment to create an AI-generated NFT collection. You will learn how to...

Creating a JWT-based authentication with NestJS
This tutorial will guide you through the process of building an authentication system based on JSON Web Tokens (JWT) using NestJS,...

Notifying users when they receive an NFT
Discover how to notify users via email when they receive an NFT, using Starton API for on-chain transfer monitoring and nodemailer...