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How to Sell an NFT collection in an Auction

In this tutorial, you will learn how to sell an NFT collection in an Auction.

You will need

  • a deployed ERC1155 NFT contract

Deploy an ERC1155 Auction Sale smart contract

You can start by accessing the list of templates in the Smart contract section. Then, you can deploy the smart contract from code.

const axios = require("axios")

const axiosInstance = axios.create({
baseURL: "",
headers: {
"x-api-key": "PUT HERE YOUR API KEY",

.post("/v3/smart-contract/from-template", {
network: "",
signerWallet: "",
templateId: "ERC1155_AUCTION_SALE",
name: "",
description: "",
params: [
"", //definitiveTokenAddress
"", //definitiveFeeReceiver
"", //initialStartingPrice
"", //initialMinPriceDifference
"", //initialStartTime
"", //initialEndTime
"", //initialTokenID
"", //initialTokenAmount
.then((response) => {
  1. Select the ERC1155 Auction template.
  2. Enter:
  • definitiveTokenAddress: The token address of the ERC1155 that you want to sell.
  • definitiveFeeReceiver: The address that will receive all the price paid to mint the NFTs.
  • initialStartingPrice: The initial price that the NFT will be sold for.
  • initialMinPriceDifference: The price increase that a user needs to at least put to bid on top of the current auction winner.
  • initialStartTime: The time when the sale will begin and users can bid.
  • initialEndTime: The time when the sale will end and users couldn't bid anymore.
  • initialTokenURI: The URI that will be append in the end of the base token URI for the token that will be minted.
  • initialTokenID: The token id of the token that will be minted for the auction.
  • initialTokenAmount: The amount of tokens that will be minted for the auction.

Giving ownership to your sale contract

For the sale contract to be able to mint new tokens, you are going to need to grant the newly created contract the MINTER_ROLE over the base contract deployed.

You will need:

  • the address of the base ERC1155 contract
  • the address of the Sale contract
  • the data of the Minter Role (in bytes)

Retrieving the MINTER_ROLE

First, let's get the minter role:

const axios = require("axios")

const axiosInstance = axios.create({
baseURL: "",
headers: {
"x-api-key": "PUT HERE YOUR API KEY",

.post("/v3/smart-contract/{network}/{YOUR_BASE_CONTRACT}/read", {
functionName: "MINTER_ROLE",
params: [],
.then((response) => {

Granting the minter role to your Sale contract

To grant the minter role to your contract, you can use the following request:

const axios = require("axios")

const axiosInstance = axios.create({
baseURL: "",
headers: { "x-api-key": "PUT HERE YOUR API KEY" },

.post("/v3/smart-contract/${network}/${YOUR SMART CONTRAT ADDRESS}/call", {
functionName: "grantRole(bytes32,address)",
params: [
"0x9f2df0fed2c77648de5860a4cc508cd0818c85b8b8a1ab4ceeef8d981c8956a6", // MINTER_ROLE
"", // account
signerWallet: "",
speed: "average",
.then((response) => {
  • account: The whitelist sale contract address

Interact with your contract

You can now bid, claim, or start a new auction. The mint of your NFT is made when the bider which has won the auction claims it.

Loubna Benzaama

Lead technical writer


April 3, 2024

Reading time:

3 min

  • Deploy an ERC1155 Auction Sale smart contract
  • Giving ownership to your sale contract
  • Interact with your contract