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Deploy a template contract from code

In this tutorial, we’ll use Starton Connect to create our own crypto token!

We will deploy a smart contract directly from code using the Relayer.

The contract will be an instance of an audited premade template available in Starton.

The language used will be Javascript but any language would work in a similar manner.

Get the list of available templates

Before deploying our contract let's get the list of templates in order to find one that suits our need.

To do this, we’ll need to query Connect’s API and to authenticate ourselves using an API key.

We can create an API key from the dashboard in the Developer section. Using this API key we can call the API with the following JS code:

const axios = require("axios")

const http = axios.create({
baseURL: "",
headers: {
"x-api-key": "YOUR_API_KEY",
http.get("/smart-contract-template").then((response) => {

Be sure to replace x-api-key value with your own api key! When querying the API, it should return a list of template items:

"name": "ERC20 Fungible Token with fixed supply",
"description": "An ERC20 token contract keeps track of fungible tokens: any one token is exactly equal to any other token",
"tags": ["..."],
"blockchains": ["..."],
"bytecode": "string",
"constructorParams": ["..."],
"abi": ["..."],
"compilerVersion": "string",
"source": "string",
"isAudited": true,
"isActivated": true,
"createdAt": "string",
"updatedAt": "string"

This is the object associated with the template we’ll use for our crypto token.

We’ll be using an ERC20 template as it is the standard for token creation on EVM based blockchains.

Choose a Network and fuel wallet

Now that we know which template to use, we also need to choose a network on which to deploy.

The compatible blockchains for this template can be seen inside the blockchain objects in the previously returned template object.

For example for the Ethereum blockchain there are multiple available networks such as ethereum-mainnet or ethereum-sepolia (testnet).

We’ll choose to deploy our contract on the ethereum-sepolia network.

It is now important that we fuel our wallet with some Ether faucet otherwise the blockchain will reject our smart contract’s deployment as we will lack funds to cover the gas fees.

In order to claim test faucets we need to go on the Wallet section on Connect’s dashboard and find the address associated to the network we are interested in.

Here, it is the ethereum-sepolia network.

We can now claim free faucet on the official Ethereum faucet website. Enter your address, click Send me test Ether and wait for the transaction to complete.

Deploying the contract

Everything is now in place so we can create an instance of the smart contract template we picked.

We’ll use the ID of the template we got in order to tell Deploy which template to use for the contract creation.

We also need to provide values for the parameters of our smart contract’s constructor.

For our ERC20, we’ll need to provide:

  • a name for our token
  • a ticker
  • the initial supply

Let’s call our token the DemoToken, with DEMO as its ticker and an initial supply of 1.000.000 tokens.

Here is the code to deploy the contract (Axios being configured as before):"/smart-contract/from-template", {
network: "ethereum-sepolia",
name: "DemoToken",
description: "Our own crypto token.",
params: ["1000000", "DemoToken", "DEMO"],
}).then((response) => {

The expected result:

"id": "sc_24dce9e26a7d46a7b707e257a6a6cfb2",
"name": "DemoToken",
"description": "Our own crypto token.",
"network": "ethereum-sepolia",
"bytecode": " … ",
"abi": ["..."],
"projectId": "prj_f2108b28949d47898a39939cbc7277c3",
"address": "0xDA96a733ec2C3eC1142A5A1Ef31cfd7755CAE037",
"creationHash": "0xef4313209959d6441e14db5d43905f674a78adba2173b522b7fe37311e135c05",
"createdAt": "Tue Jun 29 2021 13:09:17 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)",
"updatedAt": "Tue Jun 29 2021 13:09:17 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)"

If it worked, congrats! You just created your own crypto token in a few minutes and with a minimal amount of code.

Checking the contract creation

Most blockchains propose a blockchain explorer so we can inspect the state and history of the blockchain.

We can thus use the previously returned address and creation hash to check for our contract’s status on the blockchain.

The summary of the transaction created for the deployment of our contract (using the creationHash in the url) is available. We can also track here our new DEMO token.


Or more generally, we can use the address of the contract to find out how it interacted with the world.

Congratulations for completing this tutorial!

You can also deploy your smart contract from our web application.

Loubna Benzaama

Lead technical writer


April 3, 2024

Reading time:

4 min

  • Get the list of available templates
  • Choose a Network and fuel wallet
  • Deploying the contract
  • Checking the contract creation
  • Result