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Address Activity

Triggers when a transfer from or to an address is created, to track when native tokens transactions are created. Here is an example of the payload sent to the webhook as a POST request when the event is triggered. You can find more details about the transaction object (please notice that it inherits the Transaction. The receipt object is described here.

"projectId": "string",
"data": {
"transaction": {
"hash": "string",
"type": "number",
"accessList": [],
"blockHash": "string",
"blockNumber": "number",
"transactionIndex": "number",
"confirmations": "number",
"from": "string",
"gasPrice": {
"hex": "string",
"raw": "string"
"maxPriorityFeePerGas": {
"hex": "string",
"raw": "string"
"maxFeePerGas": {
"hex": "string",
"raw": "string"
"gasLimit": {
"hex": "string",
"raw": "string"
"to": "string",
"value": {
"hex": "string",
"raw": "string"
"nonce": "number",
"data": "string",
"r": "string",
"s": "string",
"v": "number",
"creates": null,
"chainId": "number"
"receipt": {
"to": "string",
"from": "string",
"contractAddress": null,
"transactionIndex": "number",
"gasUsed": {
"hex": "string",
"raw": "string"
"logsBloom": "string",
"blockHash": "string",
"transactionHash": "string",
"logs": [
"transactionIndex": "number",
"blockNumber": "number",
"transactionHash": "string",
"address": "string",
"topics": ["string", "string", "string", "string"],
"data": "string",
"logIndex": "number",
"blockHash": "string"
"blockNumber": "number",
"confirmations": "number",
"cumulativeGasUsed": {
"hex": "string",
"raw": "string"
"effectiveGasPrice": {
"hex": "string",
"raw": "string"
"status": "number",
"type": "number",
"byzantium": "boolean"
"network": "string",
"blockchain": "string"